Thursday, 22 March 2012

Corridors - Design Code

I have uploaded the design code for my Corridors on Skydrive as copy-paste didn't quite work for all the images I embedded in the word document. They are in a new Folder named DesignCodeDocuments.
Please have a look there and let me know if it is what we want... I have to say that if we make it more complicated it will take time for all of us to put everything together. Mine is not yet complete as I need to add more info and also I would like to discuss some details with all of you. Basically the question is how far are we going with the design code opposed to concentrating on the more important things.

Click here to go straight to the Skydrive location (it opens in a new window)

P.S. Tamasin, I am not sure if it is already sorted but can you please make sure Duncan has access to your Skydrive? His input will help us tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. Anyone with the link should have access to Skydrive, so that should include Duncan - we can check tomorrow. Can also check about the relative importance of design code and other things, but I don't see this as a separate activity or distraction from 'more important things' - surely the design code, alongside our sktech design and more detailed plans, sketches etc. is our design??


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