Thursday, 22 March 2012

Corridors - Design Code

I have uploaded the design code for my Corridors on Skydrive as copy-paste didn't quite work for all the images I embedded in the word document. They are in a new Folder named DesignCodeDocuments.
Please have a look there and let me know if it is what we want... I have to say that if we make it more complicated it will take time for all of us to put everything together. Mine is not yet complete as I need to add more info and also I would like to discuss some details with all of you. Basically the question is how far are we going with the design code opposed to concentrating on the more important things.

Click here to go straight to the Skydrive location (it opens in a new window)

P.S. Tamasin, I am not sure if it is already sorted but can you please make sure Duncan has access to your Skydrive? His input will help us tomorrow...

Elephant and Castle Idea

Hi guys, ..testing to see if I can upload, It seems that I might be able to now.. As emailed previously, here is my idea for the Elephant and Castle area. Essentially it is is two large complexes where the roundabouts currently are. The road between the two and the north roundabout will be underground via slip roads. There will be no need for the southern roundabout. The two large complexes are mainly for entertainment, featuring large open stage areas on the lower levels. The rest of the buildings will be shops, eateries, leisure facilities, indoor venues, bars, video screens and roof top space. The area inbetween and surrounding the complexes will be open, multi-functional and pedestrianised with other smaller stages and seating. This space along with the park to the southwest will also act as a large capacity audience area for events held on the complex stages. The roof top of the station will also become an open bar/eatery and audience area. Hope the drawing is readable.

Greenway examples

With updated images...
The key thing seems to be to have some continuity along the route so that it is identifiable as a route. Whether that's a consistent surface (coloured tarmac?), or planting, or a continuous or repeated feature or 'motif' like the bright red wall or ribbon (perhaps should be a more 'theatrical' shade of red though) we'll need to figure out.



Definitely not this though!

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Design coding 2

Don't know whether this will be any help, but I've been having a think about the design code hierachy we talked about last week and have come up with a few different options as to how we could classify the different levels. The idea - I think - is that there might be some general principles that apply to all areas, e.g. Use & Amount, Layout, Access, Sustainability & Energy from Mitti's draft of last week, then more detail for the sub-areas. Not sure whether we'd need to subdivide these further to allow for different typologies within each sub-area - maybe some but not others, or maybe we just allow enough options within the code for each sub-area to cover the full range...   Does this make any sense to anyone or am i talking complete gibberish??
Option 1:

Option 2: 
 Option 3:

Option 4:

And here are some additional headings for the design coding for whichever sub-areas we agree. Comments/ suggestions welcome.

Model overlay

Illustration of the Model over A Google Earth Map
This is the base for overlaying the green route (may I have the sketch so I can put it on?)

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Agenda for change - 1st draft

Here's a first stab at our 'Agenda for Change'. I used my design area as a starting point, but I've added in some of the other key elements of the proposals as well. It needs areas, numbers, costs, etc. adding, and I've probably left out some of the impacts, positive and negative. I'll circulate the original excel version so that you can add any suggestions.
Positive Cost  estimate Income generation
1 New ‘safe’ Elephant Greenway /Arts Trail cycle and walking path from South Bank to Elephant & Castle;
2 New Elephant & Castle market space;
3 Xno./Xm2 of new performance venues – including created  for benefit of local people and to attract additional visitors to the area;
4 Improvements to main vehicle routes to make them more pedestrian and cycle friendly;
5 Residential streets  made more  pleasant for pedestrians and with dominance of parked and moving vehicles significantly reduced;
6 Additional street trees and other planting throughout the site;
7 Community gardens established as part of increased planting;
8 Sustainable urban drainage systems introduced to slow water run off and reduce risk of flooding;
9 Xm2 of additional open space created;
10 Existing open/green spaces improved to make them  more engaging and usable, e.g. more seating provided;
11 Xno.  of live/work apartments for artists and creative industries through renovation of existing buildings;
12 Xno./Xm2 of student accommodation created through conversion of existing buildings;
13 Xm2 of new retail space for residents and to attract new visitors;
14 Xm2 of new cafe/restaurant/bar space for residents and to attract new visitors;
15 Streets safer as a result of increased use throughout the day and evenings;
16 Improved street lighting;

Negative Solution/Mitigation
1 Some existing businesses displaced; Provide alternative equivalent or better accommodation within proposals where possible; identify alternative accommodation outside site area; compensation;
2 Some existing residents displaced? Provide alternative equivalent or better accommodation within proposals where possible; identify alternative accommodation outside site area; compensation;
3 Reduced availability of on street parking? Improved public transport connections; improved pedestrian and cycle routes; car rental options (e.g. Street Car)
4 Increased journey lengths for some residents/ users as a result of introducing one way system; Difference likely to be small; encourage redued car use as above;
5 Increased traffic on main/some thoroughfares due to changes in traffic flow; Encourage reduced car use as above;
6 Temporary disruption during construction works; Appropriate phasing; agreed working hours; delivery arrangements, etc. Decanting to alternative facilities where necessary;
7 Increase in noise, litter, etc. as a result of higher visitor numbers;

Monday, 19 March 2012

Area 3 design 'branding'

Not exactly a 'design code', but some initial ideas in that direction for my area... thought it might be helpful alongside Mitti's suggestions last week in developing design code(s) for other areas/the site as a whole. Comments welcome.