Saturday, 18 February 2012

Just seen this on BBC2's The Culture Show... Gary Card, set/costume designer and illustrator, in a shop for LNCC. This is made from cheap timber - the lesson is that it's the idea/feel that's important, not (necessarily) the materials. Lighting is also really important.

and another example of his work:

If you didn't see it the show is probably worth a look on iPlayer. There was also this intro sequence for 'The Kermode Awards' (these are screen shots) - idea for quick and easy sketch models?

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Design Principles/Objectives

In no particular order, some initial thoughts to get the ball rolling:
·         Increase the appeal of Elephant & Castle as a destination in its own right;
·         Improve the pedestrian experience of the E&C to South Bank area;
·         Introduce/improve green infrastructure in the E&C to South Bank area;
·         Provide high-quality public open spaces, including spaces for formal and informal performances;
·         Work with/complement/enhance existing activities/uses, culture, population, features, etc (i.e. avoiding ‘instant gentrification’ if at all possible);
·         Sub-areas to retain their own character, but be linked thematically (performance theme) and possibly with use of similar or the same materials/features;
·         Enhance the public experience and usability of the key corridors: Waterloo Road and Blackfriars;
·         Avoid the provision of prescribed or directed route(s) between E&C and South Bank, aiming instead to encourage exploration/discovery within the area.

Concept diagram

First attempt at a Concept Diagram - you need to imagine it rotated 90 degrees left as for some reason it keeps turning round when I try to upload it! It would need 'beautifying' if we want to use it, but the idea is that E&C is the 'stage', Heygate the back-stage area/scene shop (hub of creative activity), South Bank the front of house area - welcoming the audience - and the bits in between the 'auditorium', with the two key corridors as aisles; the college area could be the orchestra pit if you like. Think it kind of works?!

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Revised areas for us each to focus on in developing the design.

1. Heygate (backstage/scene shop)
2. College 'zone' (orchestra pit)
3. Residential 'zone' (auditorium - stalls)
4. Stations 'zone' (auditorium - circles & boxes)
5. South Bank (foyer/entrance)
6. The two main corridors, Waterloo Rd and Blackfriars Rd (aisles)
Plus separate E&C area - The Stage

[Old version -