Friday, 20 April 2012

Area Designs - revised

Please do live comments if anything is wrong in terms of position, layout, key or .. anything you see worong really...
The Area2 is on two sheets as it has a little more importance and I felt it needed to show more details.
Let me know if you don't feel the same and will try to revert to the normal area layout ...


  1. Some Areas now uploaded... Only two left which will be done as soon as I got the models uploaded on skydrive...

  2. One more left to do... well, half as I have a plan view from Sharon but no 45 degrees looking East.
    Everything I've done so far is on skydrive here:
    Tamasin Dale's SkyDrive ►Documents ►Urban Development Project ►Miti's Folder ►Finished work
    Please have a look and make corrections if needed.
    After I get them all done there will be one more step to finish the final Masterplan...


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