Sunday, 29 April 2012

Initial sketch design

I've had another go at the initial sketch design (hope you don't mind Mitti!). This is very much simplified (too simplified?), but hopefully captures our main aims. I've tried to use the same colours we are using for the land use model, where possible.
Let me have any comments...


  1. I am not sure yet... I have to switch back from GIS. At a first look though it gives me the feeling that we don't touch 70% of the site and also doesn't reflect the changes brought to our sites as boundaries visible in the model work...
    I don't mind either to be honest. Let's wait for some more thoughts to see what the others think :)

  2. I think the fewer colours and wording make this version easier to read as a slide and the colours look good. Perhaps the problem of it looking a bit empty could be overcome by highlighting or darkening the area within the boundary. Love the way it looks like an elephant now - the new residentials at the top like eyes!


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