Thursday, 16 February 2012

Concept diagram

First attempt at a Concept Diagram - you need to imagine it rotated 90 degrees left as for some reason it keeps turning round when I try to upload it! It would need 'beautifying' if we want to use it, but the idea is that E&C is the 'stage', Heygate the back-stage area/scene shop (hub of creative activity), South Bank the front of house area - welcoming the audience - and the bits in between the 'auditorium', with the two key corridors as aisles; the college area could be the orchestra pit if you like. Think it kind of works?!


  1. Beautiful!... I love it.
    Especially that part with welcoming the audience...
    My Isles (area 6 - corridors), according to this concept should provide
    -directional view

  2. Inspired! I think we can all really pull together with this. Great thet the Elephant is the focus and the residential parts ( such as 4 - mine) the audience. Love it.


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