Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Revised areas for us each to focus on in developing the design.

1. Heygate (backstage/scene shop)
2. College 'zone' (orchestra pit)
3. Residential 'zone' (auditorium - stalls)
4. Stations 'zone' (auditorium - circles & boxes)
5. South Bank (foyer/entrance)
6. The two main corridors, Waterloo Rd and Blackfriars Rd (aisles)
Plus separate E&C area - The Stage

[Old version -


  1. my corridors will cross most of them, so I need to know what you intend to do in order to tie everything together. That doesn't mean I have to wait for you to show me some designs... it's all about some written concepts and ideas for the crossing parts only

  2. Actually, the only area that I not going to cross is No. 1 as my corridors will start from the elephant&castle... or maybe just a little bit

  3. Unless anyone shouts, I think we have agreed allocations as follows:
    Area 1. Stuart
    2. Cristina
    3. Tam
    4. Sharon
    5. Tom
    6. Mitti


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